MicroCosmic Orbit Meditation

Microcosmic Orbit Meditation

Also published in: mantakchia.com

The Microcosmic Orbit Meditation is a Taoist term, the full orbiting of energy along the front and back of the torso. This meditation aims to facilitate and reinforce the flow of Qi in the Functional Channel (aka Conception Channel) at the front and the Governor Channel at the back.

The ultimate goal of the Microcosmic Orbit practice is to achieve a state where energy flows steadily and uninterruptedly throughout the body. This involves training the front and back channels to widen and deepen, eventually integrating all channels into one unified pathway. This unimpeded energy flow promotes perfect health and vitality.


What is the benefit of completing the Microcosmic Orbit?

The Microcosmic Orbit not only restores and improves the nervous and circulatory systems but also redistributes surplus Qi to areas in need of energy.

The microcosmic orbit meditation is an essential tool of the Taoist system. By circulating qi in this simple orbit, you are generating energy to be stored in the navel. The body knows which organs need extra energy. The organs, glands, and blood automatically receive this energy when circulating the warm current.

Practitioners can fill the reservoirs of the Functional and Governor channels with energy. This energy is then distributed to the major organ-energy meridians, energizing the internal organs. Furthermore, this practice draws abundant energy from the sacrum up into the brain, enhancing cerebral circulation and stimulating vital neurochemical secretions. Additionally, it marks the initial stage of cultivating the “spiritual embryo” or “golden elixir” of immortality, a process that begins in the lower abdomen and culminates in the mid-brain. This method is highly regarded for promoting health, longevity, and spiritual awareness.

Primary Energy Channels

The human nervous system is very complex and can direct energy wherever needed. However, the ancient Taoist masters discovered two primary energy channels that carry a powerful current.

The Functional Channel begins at the base of the trunk, midway between the genitals and the anus, at a point called the perineum. It flows upward into the body past the genitals, stomach organs, heart, and throat. The second channel, the Governor Channel, starts in the same place. It flows from the perineum upwards into the tailbone, up through the spine into the brain. From there, it goes back down to the roof of the mouth.

The tongue is like a switch that connects these two currents, for when it is touched to the roof of the mouth just behind the front teeth, the energy flows in a circle up the spine and back down the front of the body. The two channels form a single circuit that the energy loops around in circles. When this energy flows, Chinese masters said the ‘small heavenly cycle’ or ‘microcosmic orbit’ had been completed. Its vital current circulates past the major organs and nervous system of the body, giving cells the juice they need to grow, heal, and function.

Microcosmic orbit tongue position

Proper Wiring of the Etheric Body

The two main energy channels of the body can be compared to the main wiring of a house. Imagine a trunk line that brings power from outside into the building’s service panel. This panel contains circuit breakers that protect the inside wiring from short circuits and overloads. It also has switches that control the current to all the rooms inside the house. This inside wiring is like the “six special power routes” in the body used in higher levels of Taoist meditation that branch off from the Microcosmic Orbit.

Once your house, like your body, is correctly wired and all the safety precautions have been taken, it is ready to connect to the main utility company trunk line for power. You are prepared to receive the power that comes from above and from beneath you without harm.

The practice stimulate Qi —the life force energy— generating abundant energy. As this energy increases, it becomes more Yang and tends to rise on its own upward toward the head. However, excessive pressure in the head may lead to headaches and sleep deprivation. To prevent this, practitioners must redirect the energy downward along the Functional Channel. Placing the tip of the tongue on the upper palate facilitates this process by connecting both channels and promoting uninterrupted energy circulation.

What does it mean to “Open the Routes”?

“Opening the routes” means clearing all obstructions that block the flow of qi energy in their natural paths. Most blockages take the form of physical, mental, or emotional tension. It helps to understand that these energy routes in the body are grounded in the larger balancing forces of nature, which exert a powerful influence over us at every moment. The healing power of natural forces can be tapped to help the body clear the blockage to its natural energy flow.

Microcosmic Orbit

The Functional Channel, the route running down the front of the body —which may flow in an upward direction before the Microcosmic Orbit is linked— has a Yin or cold nature. The route running up the back, the Governor Channel, is Yang, or hot in nature. The feet are the ground or the ‘earth wire’ and absorb negatively charged energy from the earth. The top of the head —or crown— is the ‘heavenly wire,’ or positive wire, and absorbs the Yang power from above, especially from the Sun.

When these two routes are joined and cleared of obstruction, the power will flow in a circuit between these two poles, positive and negative, linking the body’s vital organs to the main loop of the microcosmic orbit around the trunk and head of the body. So, by simply opening the two main routes, a larger supply of warm ‘QI’ current flows into every organ. Mixing Yin and Yang, hot and cold, heaven and earth, takes place automatically, balancing your physical, mental, and emotional selves.


In the Taoist system, one begins by opening and completing two main channels. Up the spine in the back and down the front of the body. When linked together by the tongue, these two routes form the Microcosmic Orbit. They serve as a circulatory system for the body with built-in cooling safety valves.

Once all the energy channels are open, one can begin mixing and transforming the powers present in the various energy centers or chakras, a process known to the Taoists as ‘inner alchemy’. Many formulas are needed to bring about good effects and harmonize the body’s various energy systems with that of nature. As more power becomes available, the importance of opening multiple routes becomes evident.

By circulating energy along this pathway, practitioners can transform dense and dark energy into light-filled consciousness, promoting virtues and integrity. The practice also facilitates the circulation of sexual energy and this serves as a catalyst for spiritual development and longevity. It offers practitioners the safest and most assured path to good health. If you proceed one step at a time up the ladder, you will guarantee success in reaching the top.

Note: Grandmaster Mantak Chia teaches Microcosmic Orbit Meditation 3 times yearly in Tao Garden, Chiang Mai, Thailand, or online. Please contact mantakchia.com.